Brooklyn Lifestyle Photography

Volkswagen Bus in Brooklyn wih Oheni

Lifestyle photograph at it's core, it is the capturing of real life moments, natural expressions, most often candid things that just happen. It's easy and hard at the same time. For this shoot we had: Volkswagen bus, check, Brooklyn, check, and an amazing model, check - thanks Oheni!

We scoped out an awesome spot in Brooklyn and went to town. You can't tell in the photos, but it was FREEZING outside. Oheni is a champ and never even flinched.

Volkswagen Bus New York City Lifestyle Photography by The Finches
Volkswagen Bus New York City Lifestyle Photography by The Finches
Volkswagen Bus New York City Lifestyle Photography by The Finches
Volkswagen Bus New York City Lifestyle Photography by The Finches
Volkswagen Bus New York City Lifestyle Photography by The Finches
Volkswagen Bus New York City Lifestyle Photography by The Finches
Volkswagen Bus New York City Lifestyle Photography by The Finches
Volkswagen Bus New York City Lifestyle Photography by The Finches
Volkswagen Bus New York City Lifestyle Photography by The Finches
Volkswagen Bus New York City Lifestyle Photography by The Finches
Volkswagen Bus New York City Lifestyle Photography by The Finches
Volkswagen Bus New York City Lifestyle Photography by The Finches

Check out more of Oheni on his instagram.

Taking us to School in Brooklyn with May

We were in Brooklyn shooting with May, and stumbled upon a School Bus.  Since Yellow is one of my favorite colors, this seemed as the perfect opportunity to utilize it before we headed underground to wait for the train.
You can find May here.

Brooklyn School Bus Lifestyle Photography The Finches
Brooklyn Geometric Tattoo Lifestyle Photography The Finches
Brooklyn School Bus Lifestyle Photography The Finches
Brooklyn School Bus Lifestyle Photography The Finches
Brooklyn School Bus Lifestyle Photography The Finches
Brooklyn School Bus Lifestyle Photography The Finches
Brooklyn School Bus Lifestyle Photography The Finches
Brooklyn School Bus Lifestyle Photography The Finches
Brooklyn School Bus Lifestyle Photography The Finches
NYC Subway Lifestyle Photography The Finches
NYC Subway Lifestyle Photography The Finches
NYC Subway Lifestyle Photography The Finches
NYC Subway Lifestyle Photography The Finches
NYC Subway Lifestyle Photography The Finches

Art in Everyday Life with Oheni in NYC

A phrase that we like to use when coming up with ideas for lifestyle photography is " art in everyday life." Meaning you can find the extraordinary in just about any circumstance.

Oheni recently moved to New York City- aspiring to become a model.  He is amazing to work with.  He brought a ton to the shoot, and you couldn't even tell it was frickin' freezing outside.  Oheni made it look like it was a breezy summer day, which is awesome.  I dig breezy summer days. :)

New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches
New York City Lifestyle Photography The Finches

You can find Oheni here.